and n0t forgetting ytd.. ahah. ytd i had less0n & i had my first gems lesson.kiies lessons first. me,jeje,ah fang and hl milk eat and drank in class! & yesh in front of our teacher while she is conducting the lesson! y0u may think we may be eating like mouse hoh. eat behind our teacher's back, but n0! we were eating right in front of her! hehs. ah fang also had a fishy mo0n-cake in her bag, she to0k it out & let us eat. Later we passed it to the back 0f the class for all the boys to have it! so funny luhs! all of them see the fish with doubt whether to eat it. hahahas
food glori0us food! taken in class_
mie & ah fang de soya bean milk provided by hl-milkie nanny! its freshly provided by her!and oh, n0t forgetting the fries which hl nanny has fed me, ah fang and jeje for the whole lesson! thanks nanny! X). the lappy at d corner is mine.hehs!
fun! i've made new friends! hehs. the lecturer has shown us a few examples of books created by the last batch 0f students! the bo0ks are awesome!! omg! i really didnt expect that the books are designed so beautifully luhs! & i had tot it was just using s0me A4 paper tearing it into half with some drawings & words. then ta-da a bo0k is created! i'm so wrong!! the books are created! hmm i'm not sure wad is it thou.. hahas but its really like the col0urful books created for children! & yesh same quality type of that kind of paper y0u find in those children b0oks! oh 0h i'm gonna l0ve this gems!! wahahas. & firstly i still hab to adapt to the new enviroment and new friends! (: